The time to digitize is now

Monday, October 1, 2012

As more organizations adopt document management and paperless solutions, and the federal government issues mandates for these strategies advance, it is important for businesses to consider if they too need to go digital. According to Financial Planning, it might just be time to make the move.

While not all organizations have made the jump yet, as the trend grows, many businesses will find that their partners, suppliers, customers and competition are starting to adopt information management solutions on their own. In order to maintain their position in the market, and keep operations going smoothly, adopting a digital records strategy will become vital.

According to the news source, it is the "convergence of technology and compliance" that is confusing some businesses. Additionally, some businesses are investing partially in digital tools without making the full leap, like using PDFs for one type of document but leaving others on paper. This confusion can be solved with the right technology.

Remaining compliant with a migration to electronic documents can be simple. With the right conversion services in place to handle archived records, no files will be left behind or forgotten, eliminating compliance risks and achieving the efficiency of document management at the same time. By investing in the tools and the training, any organization can implement a digital records system with ease.

Though many businesses don't yet have a completely paperless office, the push to eliminate paper is growing, with small steps toward reducing consumption and improving workflow. By joining the steady stream towards paperwork reduction and a more digital office, any business, government agency or other organization can make its systems for efficient, and its offices better places to work.

Brought to you by Image One Corporation, providing government and industry compliance solutions since 1994.