video archival
Archival Video Storage: Cloud vs. On-Premise for Law Enforcement
Sunday, July 31, 2016Video Evidence Best Practices: Finding an Archival Video Storage Solution You Can Count On Demonstrating accountability and transparency during a time of increased scrutiny of police, nearly 6,000 of the country’s state and local law enforcement agencies now require officers to document encounters with civilians with body-worn and dashboard-mounted video cameras according to Time magazine. […]
Storing Mobile Video Evidence: Critical Requirements
Friday, May 13, 2016The Fifth Blog Post in Our 5-Part Nexsan Assureon for Law Enforcement Series The public outcry over the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the delayed release of video evidence pertaining to the shooting of Laquan McDonald in Chicago have triggered growing scrutiny and criticism of police departments across the county. Now more […]
What Is Trusted Video Archival Storage for Law Enforcement?
Friday, May 06, 2016The Fourth Blog Post in Our 5-Part Nexsan Assureon for Law Enforcement Series Police departments across the country are adopting body-worn video cameras to increase transparency in officer-civilian interactions and restore the public’s trust. As terabytes of video footage explode into petabytes, law enforcement personnel must make sure that the digital storage solution used to […]
Ensuring Data Integrity for Mobile Video Storage
Monday, May 02, 2016The Third Blog Post in Our 5-Part Nexsan Assureon for Law Enforcement Series When it comes to archiving body-worn and dashboard-mounted camera footage, law enforcement agencies today understand all too well the importance of maintaining data integrity. Police departments need to painstakingly protect video evidence from both intentional tampering and inadvertent file corruption. Data storage […]
How to Safeguard Mobile Video Evidence for Dashboard & Body Cameras
Friday, April 15, 2016The Second Blog Post in Our 5-Part Nexsan Assureon for Law Enforcement Series Entitled Implementing a Body-Worn Camera Program: Recommendations and Lessons Learned, a report by the US Department of Justice and the Police Executive Research Forum emphasizes the importance of data storage and retention. When selecting a method for storing mobile evidence video from […]