scanning equipment
Microfilm Scanning Trends & Best Practices
Saturday, July 01, 2017“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated,” said Mark Twain. If it had a voice, microfilm may say the same thing. We’re still finding a lot of microfilm out there. While microfilm in good condition that is easy to scan appears to have been widely scanned, we’re finding some very challenging film. Buyer Beware […]
Document Scanning Buyer Beware: Copiers & Remote Scan-to-Cloud Services
Saturday, April 22, 2017Caveat emptor! A few alternatives to using a local document scanning service have recently emerged that are enticing at first but can be a trap: Using copiers and multi-function devices/peripherals (MFDs/MFPs) for high volume document scanning Outsourcing your scanning to a remote service that will scan all of your documents to The Cloud for a […]
Document Scanning Best Practices: Capture & Indexing
Monday, January 16, 2017As part of our Document Scanning Process Best Practices series, this blog post covers the core of the process: the physical scanning of documents and indexing of the resulting PDF and TIFF document images. Scanning is a dirty, time consuming and physically demanding process. We’ve seen many nightmare scenarios when organizations try to save money […]
Law Enforcement Document Scanning
Friday, October 14, 2016Police departments, sheriffs’ offices, probation offices, states attorneys, and investigative agencies need quick access to information so they can protect society and capture criminals instead of having to search and retrieve paper documents, records and reports as well as legacy microfilm and microfiche. They also want to reclaim space from storerooms filled with paper and […]
When You Know It’s Time to Scan Your Documents
Sunday, July 24, 2016We know the story: if scanning all of your legacy paper documents and records was easy, it would already be done. Even though document scanning has never been more cost-effective, it still needs to be cost-justified that will stand up to a heavy dose of scrutiny. One thing that can help is to identify problems […]