optical character recognition (OCR)
5 Reasons to Have Us Print Your Meal Applications
Tuesday, February 12, 2019Food & Nutrition Services professionals at 250 school districts around the country know RocketScan for streamlining the processing of free and reduced meal applications. Fewer know that they can also count on us to print their application forms, and you don’t need to be a RocketScan user to do so. Here are five reasons to […]
Will RPA Replace OCR & Advanced Capture for AP Invoice Processing?
Tuesday, June 19, 2018Robotic process automation (RPA) seems to be in the news daily for what can be done with web and process robots, and how this technology streamlines manual, tedious, error-prone tasks. Considering that invoice processing in accounts payable is about as manual, tedious and error-prone as it gets, is RPA a good fit for automation? Will […]
What Is Indexing for Document Scanning & Digital Mailroom?
Thursday, August 24, 2017Many people are familiar with document scanning, whether it’s part of a backfile scanning project or for ongoing digital mailroom scanning. But how do you find these documents after they’re scanned? The lesser known practice of “document indexing” is the answer, but what is it and why should you care? To begin, there are two […]
Microfilm Scanning Trends & Best Practices
Saturday, July 01, 2017“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated,” said Mark Twain. If it had a voice, microfilm may say the same thing. We’re still finding a lot of microfilm out there. While microfilm in good condition that is easy to scan appears to have been widely scanned, we’re finding some very challenging film. Buyer Beware […]
Large Format Document Scanning: Odyssey Marine
Friday, July 15, 2016Odyssey Marine Exploration is an innovative leader in deep-ocean exploration. From pioneering archaeological excavations on historic shipwrecks and record breaking recoveries of cargo from modern shipwrecks to discovering valuable mineral deposits and natural resources, no one knows the deep ocean better than our team. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and ground-breaking methods, Odyssey employs a world-class team […]