education automation
Orlando Document Scanning Service: More Success Stories
Tuesday, July 05, 2016We’ve scanned millions of documents for business, healthcare, the hospitality industry, government agencies, and many other organizations in Orlando and throughout Central Florida from our Orlando service bureau. Here are even more recent success stories. Orlando Lake Resorts For this large and expanding estate management company, we scan backfiles of AP invoices for timeshare properties […]
Protect Vulnerable School Records
Friday, March 11, 2016Even if schools in your district are not located along the coastline, Florida schools and administrative buildings are increasingly susceptible to flooding thanks to rising sea levels and El Niño-exacerbated storms combined with the state’s relatively flat terrain and prevalent poor drainage. It’s no wonder 97% of Florida communities participate in the National Flood Insurance […]
E-Forms for K-12 School Districts
Thursday, February 18, 2016Did you know that processing paper forms costs an average of $7.40 per form? According to AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management) in their whitepaper Process-Critical Forms and the Mobile Workforce – Making The Digital Savings: he average cost to print, distribute, mail, collect, and sort a paper form is $4.56 and the average […]