document storage
Schools Ace Document Management with E-Forms
Thursday, September 12, 2019With over 2.7 million K-12 students in the public school system, Florida counties are responsible for processing, tracking, and reporting millions of student forms – a number that continues to grow each year. Maintaining a digital record of all those forms as required by state regulations is the kind of job that document management software […]
How “Digital Microfilm” Prevents Data Loss in Long-Term Records Storage
Thursday, March 29, 2018When you need to prevent data loss for long-term records storage, your options can seem pretty bleak. Paper copies can be boxed up and warehoused indefinitely but, unless you use offsite storage, they are prone to damage from hurricanes, floods and fires. And offsite storage can be expensive when you need to retrieve documents – […]
Records Request Software Keeps Florida School On Top of Assignments
Monday, March 26, 2018Processing requests for records in a Florida public school district is not the kind of thing anyone wants to manage from a spreadsheet. But when you are operating an international, internet-based public school, digital solutions make even more sense. Florida Virtual School, which last year provided more than 206,000 Florida students in kindergarten through 12th […]
ApplicationXtender 16.3 Now Available from Image One
Friday, March 16, 2018ApplicationXtender (AX) version 16.3 is now available and replaces version 8.1. Why the jump from 8.1 to 16.3? The current release for all new OpenText products is Release 16. ApplicationXtender has completely shifted all of its processes, technologies and management over to align with OpenText’s product marketing. OpenText is investing heavily in ApplicationXtender, and all […]
Making the Dreaded Administrative Review a Breeze
Monday, December 18, 2017How did your last administrative review go? Was it painful or a breeze? For most schools it’s a struggle to produce meal application documentation when the auditors arrive. Some students have multiple last names and paper gets misfiled or lost for a variety of reasons. Has this happened to you? If so, or if you’re […]