document scanning

  • ApplicationXtender 16.3 Now Available from Image One

    Friday, March 16, 2018

    ApplicationXtender (AX) version 16.3 is now available and replaces version 8.1. Why the jump from 8.1 to 16.3? The current release for all new OpenText products is Release 16. ApplicationXtender has completely shifted all of its processes, technologies and management over to align with OpenText’s product marketing. OpenText is investing heavily in ApplicationXtender, and all […]

  • How to Transform Meal Application Processing into a Simple Task

    Thursday, December 14, 2017

    Manual Processing = Mistakes More Forms = More Funding Do you still process meal applications by hand? How many meal applications can you process per day? How many meal applications are left uncompleted and how much does that cost your school? Overall, how much of a headache was meal application processing for you in 2017? […]

  • AP Automation for 2018: What’s Really Possible & How It Pays for Itself

    Friday, November 03, 2017

    By now, you’re probably sick of hearing about AP invoice processing automation: you probably think that it’s too expensive, complex and there’s too much internal resistance to change. It was. How can you look at it differently now to put an end to manual invoice processing in 2018? What’s Possible with AP Today What if […]

  • HR: How to Eliminate Paper & Dramatically Increase Productivity

    Friday, September 22, 2017

    Did you know that HR is the second most common document scanning and workflow automation in an organization? Streamlining accounts payable with invoice automation is #1 and HR is #2. However, many organizations still have filing cabinets and offsite storage full of employee files, and paper-based processes for new employee onboarding, benefits administration, handling vacation […]

  • What Is Indexing for Document Scanning & Digital Mailroom?

    Thursday, August 24, 2017

    Many people are familiar with document scanning, whether it’s part of a backfile scanning project or for ongoing digital mailroom scanning. But how do you find these documents after they’re scanned? The lesser known practice of “document indexing” is the answer, but what is it and why should you care? To begin, there are two […]