document capture
5 Ways a Digital Transformation Will Save You Money
Friday, November 22, 2019You’ve got inefficiencies. This is not news to you. Two decades into the 21st century, that pile of bankers boxes taking up space in the “file room” is a pretty dusty way to manage business information, in every sense of the word. You understand this. And no one has to explain to you the competitive […]
RocketScan Speeds Alternate Income Forms, Boosts School Funding
Friday, August 23, 2019More Forms Captured + Processed 10x Faster = 30% More Funding School districts spend an enormous amount of time collecting and processing family income verification forms to qualify for increased USDA funding as part of their community eligibility provision (CEP) and Provision 2 programs, as well as other federal, state and local government funds. There […]
On the Fence about Your Document Management Options? Don’t Overlook This One
Thursday, August 08, 2019A 2012 McKinsey & Company report found that employees spend almost two hours a day searching for information – roughly 10 hours a week per employee. “Put another way,” the report noted, “businesses hire 5 employees but only 4 show up to work; the fifth is off searching for answers, but not contributing any value.” […]
Document Management in Hurricane Season
Wednesday, April 24, 2019Document management can take on a whole different meaning when you are preparing for hurricane season and your office is stuffed with paper or film. While the 2019 hurricane season that begins June 1 is predicted to produce slightly below average hurricane activity – with 13 named storms and two likely to reach a strength […]
RocketScan Helps California School District Streamline Student Nutrition
Friday, December 14, 2018For California’s Ontario-Montclair district, the 2013 school year began with a big challenge: a new state funding formula required the processing of thousands of additional applications for added state funding for their low-income students. The state had just begun implementing the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which required schools in lower income districts to verify […]