Archival Storage and Scanning

  • Large Format Document Scanning: Odyssey Marine

    Friday, July 15, 2016

    Odyssey Marine Exploration is an innovative leader in deep-ocean exploration. From pioneering archaeological excavations on historic shipwrecks and record breaking recoveries of cargo from modern shipwrecks to discovering valuable mineral deposits and natural resources, no one knows the deep ocean better than our team. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and ground-breaking methods, Odyssey employs a world-class team […]

  • Storing Mobile Video Evidence: Critical Requirements

    Friday, May 13, 2016

    The Fifth Blog Post in Our 5-Part Nexsan Assureon for Law Enforcement Series The public outcry over the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the delayed release of video evidence pertaining to the shooting of Laquan McDonald in Chicago have triggered growing scrutiny and criticism of police departments across the county. Now more […]

  • What Is Trusted Video Archival Storage for Law Enforcement?

    Friday, May 06, 2016

    The Fourth Blog Post in Our 5-Part Nexsan Assureon for Law Enforcement Series Police departments across the country are adopting body-worn video cameras to increase transparency in officer-civilian interactions and restore the public’s trust. As terabytes of video footage explode into petabytes, law enforcement personnel must make sure that the digital storage solution used to […]

  • The Alternative to Skyrocketing Cloud Video Archival Costs for Law Enforcement

    Saturday, April 09, 2016

    The First Blog Post in Our 5-Part Nexsan Assureon for Law Enforcement Series As more and more police departments use body-worn video cameras to document officer interactions with civilians, the amount of archival storage space needed for digital evidence is growing exponentially. It won’t be long before large law enforcement agencies will need to archive […]

  • Paperless AP Invoice Processing Best Practices

    Wednesday, March 23, 2016

    For organizations needing to process 50 to 5,000 paper invoices per day, this blog identifies 3 best practices for paperless accounts payable invoice processing. Adhering to these best practices can help you achieve the following: Streamline manual invoice processing by 50-90% Provide management visibility into invoice aging, cash flow and AP productivity Automated retention scheduling […]