Streamlining AP Invoice Processing in County Government
Friday, March 15, 2019Does your county have any of the following AP invoice processing problems?
- Knowledge workers bogged down with clerical busywork
- Having to process more invoices without more staff
- Not paying invoices on time
- Incurring interest for late payments
- Inability to capture early payment discounts
- Vendors calling to find out when they will be paid
- Running out of space because of paper invoice storage
- Paying to house old invoices in offsite storage
All of the above can be eliminated with today’s AP invoice processing automation solutions, reducing the time needed to process invoices by up to 85%, and reducing human error by up to 95%.
This allows you to reclaim hundreds of hours of staff productivity. What could you achieve with all that time? And AP automation is faster and more cost-effective than ever.
Sound too good to be true? Read on and discover what is now possible for county AP departments.
Worried about Cost & Complexity?
Today’s AP invoice processing solutions like ancoraDocs save AP departments a lot of money compared with costly legacy solutions because charges are now based per invoice instead of per page.
With artificial intelligence (AI), you never need to set up templates for all of your vendors, nor do you need to scan in 30-100 documents prior to starting. ancoraDocs already knows how to automatically find and extract fields like vendor information, invoice numbers, PO numbers, line items, and totals. When it doesn’t, your staff simply points and clicks and that invoice template will be remembered from there on, so no further review is ever needed. And with auto-classification, ancoraDocs will automatically sort documents by type (invoices, statements, bills of lading, packing slips, and purchase orders) so they can be processed, routed and stored separately.
Additionally, with cloud options and accounting integration via web services, you don’t need to pay exorbitant charges for software maintenance, customization and professional services.
Bottom line: Ancora Software costs a fraction of OpenText Captiva, Kofax and ABBYY FlexiCapture, making it the ideal front-end capture solution for Laserfiche, OpenText ApplicationXtender, Square 9 GlobalSearch, or whatever you use for document management.
Eliminate Productivity Bottlenecks
ancoraDocs measures and reports key performance indicators (KPIs) like system and user productivity, percentage of system automation, and user accuracy. This will give you valuable insight into your staff’s productivity so that you can proactively address bottlenecks and training issues.
Document Management Integration
AncoreDocs easily integrates with a wide variety of document management and records management software. If you’re not using document management or have costly legacy software, consider OpenText ApplicationXtender or Square 9 GlobalSearch; both are as fast and cost-effective to implement as ancoraDocs, and a fraction of the cost of Hyland OnBase. If you haven’t seen them, contact us for a demo.
See for Yourself
Watch the ancoraDocs demo below and let us know if you’d like us to perform an AP invoice processing review to determine the payback period and ROI you can expect from investing in this technology. We will also show you how to leverage this initial investment in other departments, and applications beyond invoice processing. We can also scan all of your paper invoices so you won’t need to truck them out of town before the next hurricane.