Paperless systems may be the next evolution for libraries

Monday, April 21, 2014

When most people think of a library they think of dusty tomes of knowledge – hundreds of thousands of sheets of paper bound and filed by the Dewey Decimal System. They don't think of cutting edge paperless solutions. However, as more libraries are looking to manage their customer information, records and inventories, they are embracing paper conversion services and document management software – at least for the administration side of operations.

Going paperless with its records administration can help public and private libraries optimize not only their day to day workflow but inventory management as well, which can reduce theft and cut down on late fees by improving book return practices.

The trick to leverage paperless efforts for maximum returns is to invest in the right conversion services to expedite the migration to digital formats. Moving customer information, inventory lists and the library catalog to the computer can be a lengthy and time consuming project, especially for larger facilities. By getting help with this migration, libraries will be able to limit downtime and ensure steady, high-quality service is being provided through the entire shift.

The mingling of high-tech with the time-honored legacy of printed books gives libraries an edge in customer service and the appropriate management of resources. By deploying a paperless strategy and investing in the paper conversion services necessary to support it, these organizations will be able to stabilize their place in people's lives despite the continued push toward computers and the Internet as repositories of knowledge. Doing so will help bring a love of reading and books to the next generations and support the future of learning and imagination over time.