North Carolina looks to implement social media information management

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

In an effort to archive and organize one of its latest sources of data, the North Carolina government body is looking to implement an information management solution for its social media outlets, including Facebook and Twitter. According to NextGov, the initiative may be the first to archive and collate data from social media sources for widespread public access and storage.

Social media is but one source of data for organizations, and while it is relatively new as a business resource, it is breaking ground in terms of volume and resourcefulness. According to the news source, some government agencies and businesses use screenshots and printouts to create archived copies of this data, but this method is extremely ineffectual, as information could be easily lost, misplaced or change. Organizations need an updatable, automated resource to handle these needs.

"When you have a legal situation and you go to court with a screenshot printed out and the other side has a screenshot that’s completely different, then that record you’ve kept is basically no help,"  Anil Chawla, an industry expert, told the news source.

High-quality document management solutions will provide organizations, be they businesses or government agencies, with better ways to organize, archive and use their data, regardless of the source. For some, this becomes an essential way to migrate to other technological improvements as well, such as data analytics and improved storage or backup solutions.

For government agencies, this becomes particularly important as federal mandates enforce improved ways for storing digital information and new initiatives for records management are pushed forward. As part of the White House's mandate for improved document management, agencies have to be storing digital records of all kinds, including social media data, in an efficient and reliable way by 2019.

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