New York county considering going paperless

Monday, October 1, 2012

Many companies are going paperless with more frequency lately. Offices can save time, money, floor space and effort by moving their recording systems over to the computer using conversion services. People are realizing this and taking notice.

According to the Utica Observer-Dispatch, the Oneida County District Attorney's Office is considering going completely paperless, making it one of the first in the nation to do so. Representatives of the office have indicated they plan to implement the strategy sometime in 2013. All files will be present online, including police reports and recordings of interviews, the source said.

The District Attorney hoped to do this to allow employees to access documents on their wireless devices, the Observer-Dispatch explained.

The first step will be to scan thousands of older files dating back to the 1800s to clear out a storage facility. This initial plan will eliminate storage fees the local government is currently paying, and DA Scott McNamara told the newspaper that despite the cost of conversion, a lot of money will be saved both immediately and in the near future.

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