More businesses encourage hope for paperless future

Monday, September 10, 2012

As more businesses embrace document conversion service and management solutions, the hope for an environmentally-friendly, paperless future grows. The development of the right document management system for a business will allow it to eliminate the costs of paper, from printing to storage, and increase productivity and efficiency for all employees.

According to Business Mirror, another government agency has taken steps toward this goal, this time in the Philippines. The Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA) recently implemented a digital archiving and management system that will allow it to simplify the storage and retrieval of office documents and forms. While the office hasn't gone entirely paperless, as forms requiring a signature will still need to be printed and filed, this is a major step towards paperless efficiency.

Mario Zerrudo, the officer in charge of SMBA's new information management solution, told the news source that the office could see savings of up to $300,000 a year. The system eliminates physical storage and makes access far more efficient, as employees can access documents on the web instantly, rather than waiting for them to be found and retrieved from filing cabinets.

"Data are an essential component of effective management," SBMA Chairman Roberto Garcia told the news source. "With this system in place, we now have easy and faster access to high-quality and reliable information in support of more responsive decision-making and service delivery."

Any company or government agency can take SMBA's example and implement reliable document management software in its office in order to achieve the same benefits. With reliable conversion services, a business can minimize paper waste and help improve operations in ways that are not achievable otherwise.

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