HR: How to Eliminate Paper & Dramatically Increase Productivity

Friday, September 22, 2017

Did you know that HR is the second most common document scanning and workflow automation in an organization? Streamlining accounts payable with invoice automation is #1 and HR is #2.

However, many organizations still have filing cabinets and offsite storage full of employee files, and paper-based processes for new employee onboarding, benefits administration, handling vacation and PTO requests, travel and expense (T&E) processing… on and on. Why?

Past Obstacles, New Opportunities

In the past, HR departments had to spend a lot of money to scan their documents and store them in on-premise document management software.

Today, document scanning has never been more cost effective, the cloud has eliminated document management software as a capital expense only (now a monthly operating expense), and workflow automation can cost-justify any expenditure because of the tens of thousand of hours in productivity that are saved – so that HR departments do not have to hire new clerks to deal with paper-intensive workflows.

Perhaps all of this sounds good, but where do you start? For most HR departments, success follows a scan-to-cloud and scan-to-workflow progression, with eforms rapidly replacing the latter.


Accelerated HR productivity often begins by scanning your employee backfile. This eliminates the need for both filing cabinets and even offsite storage. Dramatic productivity savings are achieved because your employees never have to hunt through papers again to find anything.

Fortunately, not everything needs to be scanned. We can assess what needs scanning and what can be destroyed, then scan your files onsite or offsite at our Tampa or Orlando document scanning service bureaus.

Once your documents are scanned, where will they go? Someone’s computer? A shared drive? Your best bet is for us to scan them to the cloud so that employees with the proper access can access them anytime, from anywhere. We also integrate document management with your human capital management (HCM) software so that your employees can search and retrieve employee information from within the software they use every day.


The greatest productivity savings are gained when document-intensive workflows are streamlined. This is especially true for any paper documents you receive as well as email with attachments.

We can help you identify what documents need to be captured, the best combination of document scanners and email attachment processing is needed, and reduce the manual process component of any process with HR workflow automation software.

Workflow automation is most commonly a function of document management software.


If you want to eliminate paper entirely, you can have them converted into electronic forms (eforms). Eforms allows the applicant or employee to fill out there own information so your team never has to enter large amounts of data, and it’s now the employee’s responsibility to enter the information correctly.

With a partner like Image One, these eforms can then feed into your HCM software just as we can integrate document management.

Going Paperless in 2018 Starts with an HR Document & Workflow Assessment

Every HR department is different, so we need to assess your situation to understand what you need and how you will benefit the most for some combination of what we described above. Our no obligation HR document and workflow assessment identifies productivity gaps, how much money can be saved and the cost-justification for it, and a logical progression of process and technology enhancements for the future.

If you request an HR document and workflow assessment from Image One before the end of 2017, we will waive the usual $1,500 fee. This is perfect timing if you’re on a calendar fiscal year: our assessment will give you clarity on scope and budget so you can be paperless and headache-free 2018.

Contact us to request an HR document scanning and workflow assessment