Document management helps businesses migrate to the cloud
Monday, November 19, 2012The cloud is one of the biggest trends hitting businesses today. With Desktop-, Software-, Applications- and Storage-as-a-Service, and many other solutions for business computing needs, many companies find that the cloud can help them reduce IT costs, improve productivity and enhance workflow overall. Migrating computing to online services also helps to make access more flexible, allowing the business to implement other benefits, such as work from home opportunities and more.
However, to migrate to the cloud efficiently and with minimal hassle, a business may need to eliminate a significant amount of paper usage. Paper records, invoices and communications will hinder the move to online services, especially storage, and make it harder for a business to truly take advantage of the cloud. To avoid these issues, invest in document management before the cloud.
With digital information management, a business can reduce paper usage and waste, which has a number of benefits on its own, but also helps focus on a purely digital work environment. This makes cloud migration much more efficiently. However, this isn't the only step that needs to be taken; a business needs to utilize conversion services to move its archived paper records as well. By doing both and making a total move to paperless operations, a business can make SaaS easier to adopt and increase the benefits received from it.
Both document management and the cloud provide savings, improved efficiency and can help reduce the impact a business has on the environment. However, by combining the services into a digital initiative, a company can accomplish far more than with one or the other, and really begin to save, both its finances and Mother Nature.