Document management essential for other initiatives

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

For businesses considering document imaging, paperless efforts and other workflow improvement efforts, the first step is to have a solid document management solution on the table. According to TechTarget, having a successful document management plan is essential to implementing these other business-improving initiatives, and to successfully adopt document management, there are several things that a company has to consider first.

The information source
Businesses get their data from numerous locations today, and ensuring that the document imaging solutions are able to handle multichannel sources of information is essential. Multichannel capture is essential not only for businesses to keep up with rapid streams of information, but to reduce the risk of data loss in the initial gathering and capture stage. The bring your own device (BYOD) trend, cloud services, social media  and other changes in the workplace are showing companies that they need to be ready to gather data from anywhere today.

Multichannel delivery
In addition to gathering data from multiple sources, a successful information management solution has to be able to deliver to a variety of end points. The use of mobile devices and proliferation of remote work forces business to consider how to deliver information to employees not only in the office, but out of it as well, and this changes the workplace dynamic significantly from what it was even five years ago.

Document management is about resources, not just data
According to TechTarget, businesses need to consider every resource, not just paper and electronic documents, within the framework of their information management solution. This includes other IT systems, and the human beings that generate or use the information. When investing in document conversion services, someone has to take the time to scan a filing cabinet full of records. Considering who has to take care of this and how it will be done can have a major impact on the success of implementing document management.

Ultimately, document management solutions can change workflow for a business in a significant way, but to accomplish this, the company in question may have to carefully consider its current workflow needs, and potentially change the way it looks at data first. Otherwise, information management could fall short of the real advantages that it can provide.

Brought to you by Image One Corporation, providing complete information governance since 1994.