
  • Maryland school welcomes paperless learning

    Maryland school welcomes paperless learning

    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    Hagerstown, Md.-based St. Mary's Catholic School recently became the latest educational institution to take steps toward going paperless, according to WHAG-TV. The school recently received a grant of more than $41,000 from the Marion I and Henry Knott Foundation to purchase iPads for its middle-school students and their teachers.

  • New document management system boosts efficiency for Newport Beach

    New document management system boosts efficiency for Newport Beach

    Friday, September 13, 2013

    The city of Newport Beach, Calif., tends to conjure up images of sun, sea, sand and sumptuous real estate - at least among people who fondly remember "The OC," the smash-hit TV show that took the viewing public of yester-decade by storm.

  • Reaping the advantages of document imaging

    Reaping the advantages of document imaging

    Thursday, September 12, 2013

    Efficiency - or the lack thereof - has the potential to make or break the success of a company's operations. After all, even if a firm offers the best services in the world, a failure to deliver these in a timely manner and adequately create and maintain all related records could ultimately lead to its downfall.

  • Enterprise content management in a mobile age

    Enterprise content management in a mobile age

    Tuesday, September 10, 2013

    Organizations that deploy enterprise content management (ECM) are well-positioned to realize significant operational advantages, including streamlined document management processes.

  • Taking information management technologies to school

    Taking information management technologies to school

    Monday, August 19, 2013

    The back-to-school season is upon us, and kids around the country are trading in lazy days and late nights for early mornings and homework. But for students at some schools, this year will be different, as a staple of the educational experience is undergoing a technological upgrade.