Document Scanning
RocketScan Helps California School District Streamline Student Nutrition
Friday, December 14, 2018For California’s Ontario-Montclair district, the 2013 school year began with a big challenge: a new state funding formula required the processing of thousands of additional applications for added state funding for their low-income students. The state had just begun implementing the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which required schools in lower income districts to verify […]
4 Ways to Ease the Information Governance Burden
Thursday, June 14, 2018Government agencies and school districts large and small have to manage large volumes of records and other documents with minimal resources and budgets. Image One has eased this information governance burden since 1994. Here are four ways we do it. Get Rid of the Paper From court records to student records to invoices and other […]
What Is Indexing for Document Scanning & Digital Mailroom?
Thursday, August 24, 2017Many people are familiar with document scanning, whether it’s part of a backfile scanning project or for ongoing digital mailroom scanning. But how do you find these documents after they’re scanned? The lesser known practice of “document indexing” is the answer, but what is it and why should you care? To begin, there are two […]
Microfilm Scanning Trends & Best Practices
Saturday, July 1, 2017“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated,” said Mark Twain. If it had a voice, microfilm may say the same thing. We’re still finding a lot of microfilm out there. While microfilm in good condition that is easy to scan appears to have been widely scanned, we’re finding some very challenging film. Buyer Beware […]
Document Scanning Buyer Beware: Copiers & Remote Scan-to-Cloud Services
Saturday, April 22, 2017Caveat emptor! A few alternatives to using a local document scanning service have recently emerged that are enticing at first but can be a trap: Using copiers and multi-function devices/peripherals (MFDs/MFPs) for high volume document scanning Outsourcing your scanning to a remote service that will scan all of your documents to The Cloud for a […]