Business Process Automation

  • HR Department of a Major Entertainment Company Streamlines the Onboarding Process

    HR Department of a Major Entertainment Company Streamlines the Onboarding Process

    Friday, December 1, 2017

    A major entertainment company in Orlando that employs over 12,000 employees and hires thousands of new part- and full-time employees each year found that their new employee onboarding process was slowing to a crawl – until they turned to Image One. They now process new employees 30% faster thanks to automated data extraction technology and […]

  • A School Income Verification Processing Solution that Pays for Itself

    A School Income Verification Processing Solution that Pays for Itself

    Friday, December 1, 2017

    RocketScan Alternative Income Forms (AIF) from Image One helps maximize funding and minimize headaches for school districts around the US looking to streamline the processing of applications that require income verification. RocketScan AIF is based on the same technology that has made RocketScan the leading school district solution for processing free and reduced meal applications […]

  • Florida School District Goes Paperless by Converting 642 Paper Forms to E-Forms

    Florida School District Goes Paperless by Converting 642 Paper Forms to E-Forms

    Tuesday, November 7, 2017

    A public school district in Florida with over 200,000 students was drowning in paper. From campus police reports to student-teacher meetings, every form was filled out by parents, students and staff, all of which had to be manually entered by school district personnel – sapping over 10,000 hours of productivity every year. The school district […]

  • AP Automation for 2018: What’s Really Possible & How It Pays for Itself

    AP Automation for 2018: What’s Really Possible & How It Pays for Itself

    Friday, November 3, 2017

    By now, you’re probably sick of hearing about AP invoice processing automation: you probably think that it’s too expensive, complex and there’s too much internal resistance to change. It was. How can you look at it differently now to put an end to manual invoice processing in 2018? What’s Possible with AP Today What if […]

  • HR: How to Eliminate Paper & Dramatically Increase Productivity

    HR: How to Eliminate Paper & Dramatically Increase Productivity

    Friday, September 22, 2017

    Did you know that HR is the second most common document scanning and workflow automation in an organization? Streamlining accounts payable with invoice automation is #1 and HR is #2. However, many organizations still have filing cabinets and offsite storage full of employee files, and paper-based processes for new employee onboarding, benefits administration, handling vacation […]