Business Process Automation

  • Case Study: Pinellas County Transforms Record Storage

    Case Study: Pinellas County Transforms Record Storage

    Friday, August 31, 2018

    Pinellas County’s journey to eliminate paper began 18 years ago with the scanning of County Commission meeting minutes. Since then, working with Image One, the Pinellas County Clerk of Court’s office has transformed its records storage and retrieval system for instant access to documents for both public and official use. By scanning the records and […]

  • Case Study: Hillsborough County Tax Collector Manages Growth & Adds Services

    Case Study: Hillsborough County Tax Collector Manages Growth & Adds Services

    Monday, August 27, 2018

    Hillsborough County, Florida’s fourth-most populous county, has undergone explosive growth over the decades, adding nearly 400,000 residents between 1990 and 2010. Today there are an estimated 1.4 million residents and government agencies are being asked to do more. How do you handle explosive growth while adding new services without going on a hiring binge? Look […]

  • E-Form Solutions You Can Trust

    E-Form Solutions You Can Trust

    Monday, August 20, 2018

    By now you probably know that you can replace paper forms, manual data entry and all the related cost and hassles with electronic forms. So why are you still using paper forms? Maybe you haven’t found the right solution, or you’re worried about the cost and complexity. Maybe you just haven’t found a way to […]

  • Revolutionizing HR with Paperless Information Management

    Revolutionizing HR with Paperless Information Management

    Friday, August 17, 2018

    Think about all of the responsibilities of a modern Human Resources Department. From planning, compliance, compensation and benefits to risk management, workplace safety, professional development and keeping up with labor and employment law. There’s onboarding, credentialing, certifications and contract management. It would almost be easier to list the responsibilities that do not cross the desks […]

  • Sumter County Florida Goes Paperless with Image One: Case Study

    Sumter County Florida Goes Paperless with Image One: Case Study

    Friday, July 13, 2018

    How does a county go paperless? It starts in one department. For Sumter County, Florida, their paperless odyssey began in 2001 when the County Clerk of Court’s office commissioned Image One to scan all of their subdivision plat records and store them in ApplicationXtender document management software. Since then, Sumter County has moved department by […]