3 common office expenses eliminated by going paperless

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Going paperless has a number of productivity and efficiency benefits that are a driving force behind adoption for most businesses. However, there are many other, smaller advantages that adopting a document management and conversion system supplies. From reducing paper waste and helping the environment to cutting office supply budgets, these different benefits can make a big difference when selling a paperless solution to company decision-makers.

Going green, becoming more sustainable and controlling business costs are obvious advantages that any business would want to develop, but it's important to understand where these benefits come from. According to Business 2 Community, when implementing a paperless solution, an office is able to get rid of three common supplies that can be a constant drain on resources.

Printers, ink and toner

Office printers can be one of the largest drains on not only office budgets, but productivity and hours as well. Employees may spend far too long waiting to print materials, or have printers break down, causing a backup in daily production until the issue is resolved. Additionally, regular maintenance, repair and ink and toner all make up a significant portion of office supply budgets. By investing in document conversion services, a business can eliminate printers entirely, cutting these costs, reducing employee misuse for personal printing and streamline work processes. This can save a business thousands, if not more, a year.

Staples, paperclips and tape

Eliminating paper means eliminating all of the related supplies that go with it. While staples, paperclips and tape may not seem to take up a large chunk of an office's budget, according to Business 2 Community an average of 20 billion paperclips are sold every year. Combined with staples, that is a significant amount of generated scrap metal. In order to see exactly how many supplies a business will save, a professional just has to open their office supply closet and count how many boxes of staples, paperclips and tape are stacked there, in addition to reams of paper.

Folders, binders and filing cabinets

The overall reduction of paper in the office will also significantly reduce folders used, binders and of course filing cabinets. While the later frees up actual real estate space in the office that can be used to better organize work areas and desks, all three contribute to a reduction in costs.