April 2019
Document Management in Hurricane Season
Wednesday, April 24, 2019Document management can take on a whole different meaning when you are preparing for hurricane season and your office is stuffed with paper or film. While the 2019 hurricane season that begins June 1 is predicted to produce slightly below average hurricane activity – with 13 named storms and two likely to reach a strength […]
RocketScan ICX Streamlines Emergency Card Processing for California School District
Friday, April 19, 2019The San Juan Unified School District in Sacramento County, California doesn’t have to be convinced of the power of the right software to unclog paper-bound processes. They’ve been using Image One’s RocketScan for their reduced lunch program for more than a decade. But where one paper problem disappeared, the busy school district had plenty of […]
Digital HR Pays Off in Time, Space & Motivation
Friday, April 5, 2019Few organizations experience the inefficiencies of paper to the degree suffered by a Human Resources department still bound to a paper-heavy system of information management. With a critical role at the center of virtually every type of business, HR oversees a vast collection of information, much of it in the form of paper, stuffed into […]