January 2014
Paperless can drive quality of care in hospitals
Wednesday, January 15, 2014While the many benefits of implementing electronic health records are touted on a regular basis, much of the focus is on cost savings, care provider efficiency and the experiences that patients have with regard to the attentiveness of staff and speed of care.
Airports, hospitals embracing business process automation through paperless efforts
Tuesday, January 14, 2014The benefits of business process automation go further and achieve more in critical industries like health care and air travel because of the advantages they provide in allowing professionals in these areas to focus on more critical tasks.
3 ways operations are enhanced by going paperless
Monday, January 13, 2014The cost savings and environmental improvement benefits touted by going paperless are the most well known and easiest to leverage for decision makers, but they aren't the only improvements businesses will see.
What’s holding the paperless revolution back?
Friday, January 10, 2014Advocates have been heralding the paperless revolution since the introduction of computers into enterprise operations, yet very few companies have successfully made such a transition.
Going paperless? Don’t forget the little things
Monday, January 6, 2014There are many benefits to investing in document conversion services and going paperless.
Paperless a key component of IT transformation in 2014
Friday, January 3, 2014IT operations see major transformations every year, and in 2014 the inclusion of document management software to assist with paperless efforts may be a key change.
Is paperless operations your New Year’s resolution?
Thursday, January 2, 2014Going paperless has been a popular New Year's resolution for many companies over the last decade, but much like how only one out of ever 10 people succeeds in their resolution to lose 10 pounds, few businesses actually meet their goals.