ST Imaging Microfilm Scanners & Software

ViewScan 4

Image One has partnered with ST Imaging to carry the ViewScan 4 for your microfilm, microfiche, & 3M Cartridge scanning needs!

ST Imaging offers award-winning microfilm scanners and software for libraries and archives, governments, corporations, and commercial businesses. Their flagship microfilm scanner, the ViewScan 4, is favored among researchers for its superior image quality and user-friendly interface; synonymous for making microfilm research and on-demand record retrieval enjoyable and effortless for end-users! The ViewScan 4 is capable of scanning all micrographic media formats and is ideal for on-demand digital retrieval needs.  


ViewScan 4 Microfilm Scanner

You have discovered the next generation microfilm scanner, the award winning ViewScan 4, with an industry-leading 18 megapixel image sensor. Building off years of industry research and consulting with professional designers, the ViewScan 4 takes the greatest features from earlier models and delivers an all new, easy-to-use microfilm user experience.

Microfilm Scanner Benefits

  • High-Resolution Scanning
  • Easy-to-Read
  • Easy-to-Learn
  • Easy-to-use software — with new ways to use microfilm
  • Sleek Design
  • Faster Research Times
  • Optimum Crystal-Clear Images
  • Advanced Technologies

ViewScan 4 Microfiche Scanner

ViewScan 4 Microfiche Scanner

With millions of documents still residing on microfiche, there are two very important challenges in a world of smart phones and cloud computing, finding the information quickly, and sending that information to the people that need it. Whether the information is stored on microfiche, aperture cards or microfilm jackets, the ST ViewScan 4’s design allows you to find and view the information quickly. Once you have the record you need, the ST Premium Software will allow you to edit, crop and share the image directly from the system.

ViewScan 4 Simplifies Scanning for all Fiche Formats:

The ST ViewScan 4 has the largest unobstructed optical viewing area of any microform scanner. The indicator light centered on the camera makes it intuitive to tell where the camera is in relation to the microfiche frame. This allows the user to find the information quickly and accurately. The viewing area is so large that the ST ViewScan 4 microfiche scanner is the only digital microfiche scanner available today that is able to scan jumbofiche.

Once the information is found and the image is captured, it needs to be sent to the requesting person. The operator of the ST ViewScan 4 can quickly save and share images using a variety of options which include, email, saving directly to a company server, NAS drive, DropBox and Google Drive. There is no need to search and attach files located somewhere on the PC. They are all presented and easily selectable from within either ST PerfectView or Premium Software.

ViewScan 4 Microfiche Scanner

ViewScan 4 3m Cartridge Scanner

If your information is stored on on 16mm film and 3M cartridges, the ST ViewScan 4’s design allows you to find and view the information quickly. Today’s competitive business world demand fast answers to questions.  This applies to information contained in your film archives, and is why the ViewScan 4 is the ideal replacement for the old Canon or Minolta reader-printers. 

ViewScan 4 Simplifies Scanning for 16mm and 3M Cartridge Film:

Once the image is identified it can be easily captured and shared via standard communications methods such as e-mail, saving to a file server or even out to the cloud.  Regardless of the original film capture magnification, ViewScan 4 can easily capture the image.

If your business has a mixed film environment, you will find the ViewScan 4 system can handle all types of film.  That includes 3M cartridges.  The 3M film option allows you to quickly switch between standard rolls and 3M cartridges with minimal effort.

Just as important as the ability to find the archived information, is the ability to create a high-quality image and optionally annotate it with relative information.  The ViewScan 4 gives you extensive editing and image enhancement capabilities to help you restore old film records quickly.  So regardless of the type of film or age, the information can be retrieved.



PerfectView – Microfilm Scanner Software for the ViewScan 4

PerfectView microfilm scanner software tackles the age old problem of microfilm being a challenging medium to work with. As the digital age approached most hoped all microfilm would eventually become digital content. With millions, possibly billions of documents still residing on microfilm, we need a new way to look at microfilm for this generation.

ST Imaging PerfectView Scanning Software

First, ST Imaging implemented PerfectFocus technology creating crisp and clear images instantly at all times, even when browsing. Users enjoy hands-free browsing without waiting for an image to refresh or come into focus. Information from the microfilm reel delivered to your screen in PerfectFocus.

Next, our designers color-coded buttons on the display are easy to use and understand for even the most inexperienced user. Easily BrowseEdit, and Share images directly from the software with the simple click of a button. Additional buttons with advanced features and options have been hidden, only accessible when prompted, providing more screen space to view the image in greater detail.

Finally, we increased overall functionality as well! Our new Image Ribbon, formerly the Image Bar, has been moved to the top of the display and is now capable of changing sizes to reveal more detail of captured scans. Both Scissor-Cut as well as Anchor cropping is available under the Browse button. The Adjustments have been made clearer with straight forward controls. In addition, sharing has also been simplified by allowing the user to select which images to share, the desired digital format and method of sharing. Users can send digital images directly from the software to the printer, email, disc, flash drive, or to several ­­­online sharing platforms.