ScanPro i9500 All-In-One Microfilm Scanner
Find Your Blip with Exceptional Accuracy
We all know that original blipped film scanners are aging, and there are limited options for repairing them. That’s where the universal solution – the ScanPro i9500 All-In-One comes into play – it can capture ALL of your blipped film, whether it is Kodak, Canon, Minolta, 3M AGFA or custom formatted film regardless of brand – single level, two level or three level, simplex, duplex, and duo. Although all brands and models of digital microfilm scanners can read blipped film “images”, only the ScanPro i9500 All-In-One is able to read image-marks (blips) for indexed searching including all common and custom one, two and three level image marks. In addition, the i9500 All-In-One microfilm scanner can read, scan, print on-demand and convert roll film, fiche and jacketed fiche at up to 100 images per minute.
The versatile ScanPro i9500 All-In-One provides the most precise image search on the market. It recognizes every batch, file and page with incomparable accuracy. And, using the ABBYY® fine reader engine, consistently picked by operators for speed and accuracy, can scan, search and OCR while scanning. These files can be saved as multi-page files in all of the common file formats and can be organized by batch, file and page using easy-to-use menus and controls. And, all of the job settings and controls required for a job can be saved as presets and recalled with a single click – making it possible to move from one job to the next quickly and efficiently.
A ScanPro i9500 All-In-One is built on a universal platform which can run not only the ScanPro i9500 All-In-One software but can also run the ScanPro 3500 All-In-One software bringing all of the capabilities and tools for working with non-blipped film. It uses a new high-performance 26 megapixel camera1 with a large, 6.6 megapixel image sensor that is 7 times greater than any other manufacturer producing the best optical image resolution in the industry. The i9500 All-In-One includes a roll film carrier (UC 550 or 650) for scanning 16mm/35mm microfilm and an AUTO-Carrier™ for scanning fiche and jackets. The AUTO-Carrier allows you to automatically move from image-to-image with a single click, automatically scan a range of images, groups of images, the entire fiche or jackets.
If you purchase from Image One, we will ensure that your ScanPro i9300 is properly implemented and supported, which is why we are the leading ScanPro partner in Florida.
Watch this video to see how easy the legacy i9300 makes your research!
The ScanPro Difference
Why choose a ScanPro i9500? There are many exceptional things we do that set us apart from our competition and make us the product of choice worldwide. Our mission is to provide the best microfilm equipment on the market and it is our commitment to continually bring the most innovative, technology to our customers. Here are the exclusive highlights of the i9500 that no one else in the industry can deliver and we are proud to offer them to you.
Outstanding Capabilities | Why the ScanPro i9500 Microfilm Scanner? |
Image-mark (blip) sensing | Automatically advance film to desired document or page |
Fully integrated OCR technology | Effortless text searches and storage, increasing productivity and morale |
Optical Zoom | 5x-105x optical magnification provides maximum image sharpness across the entire range |
Automatic Scanning | AUTO-Scan™ automatically scans roll film and fiche with speed and accuracy at 20 images/minute and with the optional AUTO-Scan Pro, that speed increases to 100 images per minute |
26 megapixel camera1, highest in the industry |
1The ScanPro i9500 high-performance, 26 megapixel, pixel-shifting camera produces the clearest image in the microfilm industry. Pixel-shifting is a state-of-the-art technology being used by some of the best known and respected manufactures in the camera industry. Companies like Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus, Panasonic, Leica, Zeiss, Pentax, Lumix, and many others are successfully using this technology. Although e-ImageData is not the first manufacturer to use pixel-shifting, we are the first and the only manufacturer in the micrographics industry to use this advanced technology to capture higher megapixel images. E-ImageData starts with the largest image sensor in the industry with the largest pixel size in the industry and using pixel shifting technology, captures and integrate 4 unique optical images into a single 26 megapixel camera image, providing the clearest microfilm images in the industry |